Seeking Justice: The Letters of Paul and Operations of Power
Dr. Laura Nasrallah, Yale University, School of Divinity and Department of Religious Studies
Earliest Christ-followers, among their neighbors, sought justice in many and complex ways. Righteousness or justice—both translations of the Greek word dikaiosynē—is a frequent topic of scholarly and ecclesial discussion, usually wrestled over as a big theological concept. Dikaiosynē is simultaneously a small-scale para-legal set of operations in which those with little means also sought after God’s and gods’ help in attaining justice. We will dive into historical evidence of fractious inter-personal relations, oppressive demonstrations of imperial power, and prayers for justice—and the same time evidence of women, low-status workers, and the enslaved and their search for justice. We will engage not only the struggles of Christ-followers and of Paul, one of the apostles who wrote to and visited them, but also archaeological evidence of Roman power, as well as the use of curses to try to catch divine attention and to condemn a neighbor. The noisy, complex justice-seeking world of antiquity helps us to reflect upon the many injustices—and ways to seek justice—in our own world.
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